124 research outputs found

    Automation of MitM Attack on WiFi Networks

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na výzkum v oblasti bezpečnosti bezdrátových sítí. Práce přináší studii široce využívaných síťových technologií a principů zajištění bezpečnosti bezdrátových sítí. Analyzované technologie a způsoby zabezpečení trpí slabinami, které mohou být zneužity k provedení útoku MitM . Práce zahrnuje přehled dostupných nástrojů zaměřených na využití jednotlivých slabin. Výsledkem této práce je balíček wifimitm a CLI nástroj, oba implementované v jazyce Python. Balíček poskytuje funkcionalitu pro automatizovaný útok MitM a může být použit jako součást dalšího software. Nástroj wifimitmcli je schopen úspěšného provedení plně automatizovaného útoku bez jakéhokoli zásahu útočící osoby. Tento výzkum nachází využití v oblasti automatizovaných penetračních testů a forenzního vyšetřování.This bachelor's thesis aims at research concerning a security of wireless networks. It delivers a study of widely used network technologies and principles of wireless security. Analysed technologies and security algorithms suffer weaknesses that can be exploited to perform the MitM attack. The thesis includes an overview of available tools focused on exploiting these individual weaknesses. The outcome of the thesis is the wifimitm package and the wifimitmcli CLI tool, both implemented in Python. The package provides a functionality for automated MitM attack and can be used by other software. The wifimitmcli tool is capable of performing a successful fully automated attack without any intervention from an attacking person. This research can be used for automated penetration testing and for forensic investigation.

    Automated Man-in-the-Middle Attack Against Wi‑Fi Networks

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    Currently used wireless communication technologies suffer security weaknesses that can be exploited allowing to eavesdrop or to spoof network communication. In this paper, we present a practical tool that can automate the attack on wireless security. The developed package called wifimitm provides functionality for the automation of MitM attacks in the wireless environment. The package combines several existing tools and attack strategies to bypass the wireless security mechanisms, such as WEP, WPA, and WPS. The presented tool can be integrated into a solution for automated penetration testing. Also, a popularization of the fact that such attacks can be easily automated should raise public awareness about the state of wireless security

    Archive for time series values measured from power monitoring

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    Tato práce se věnuje různým způsobům komprese binárních souborů, které obsahují měření elektrických veličin. Po představení používaných kompresních algoritmů a kódování dat je čtenář seznámen s ukládanými veličinami vyskytujícími se v archivech měření elektrické energie. Následuje testování zvolených kompresních algoritmů na reálných datech. Ve všech prováděných testech se ke kompresi používají bezeztrátové algoritmy Lzma, Bzip2 a Deflate. Před kompresí těmito algoritmy se data různě předběžně zpracovávají, aby bylo možné porovnat efektivitu komprese při různé reprezentaci dat v souborech. Druhá část práce se zabývá představením zatím netestovaného ztrátového způsobu komprese. Při předběžném zpracování se využívá třída přesnosti měřících přístrojů k výhodné úpravě dat. Podrobné výsledky jsou obsaženy v této zprávě.This work deals with various compression techniques, that are used to compress binary files, that contain measurements of electricity. Following the presentation of some popular compression algorithms and encodings, reader is acquainted with measurements of electrical energy stored in electrical energy archives. Chosen compression techniques are tested on real data. During all tests, tested algorithms are Bzip2, Lzma and Deflate. Before the compression by the mentioned algorithms, the data is variously pre-processed so that I can evaluate different data representations. Second part of the work is about introduction of new compression process. This technique uses accuracy class in the pre-processing part of compression to homogenize the data. Detailed results are included in this work

    Generation of two Duchenne muscular dystrophy patient-specific induced pluripotent stem cell lines DMD02 and DMD03 (MUNIi001-A and MUNIi003-A)

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    Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) affects 1:3500–5000 newborn boys and manifests with progressive skeletal muscle wasting, respiratory failure and eventual heart failure. Symptoms show different onset from patients' childhood to the second decade of age. We reprogrammed fibroblasts from two independent DMD patients with a complete loss of dystrophin expression, carrying deletions of exons 45–50 and 48–50. The resulting hiPSCs show expression of pluripotency markers (NANOG, OCT4, SSEA4), differentiation capacity into all three germ layers, normal karyotype, genetic identity to the originating parental fibroblasts and the patient-specific dystrophin mutation

    Impact of Polychlorinated Biphenyls Contamination on Estrogenic Activity in Human Male Serum

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    Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are thought to cause numerous adverse health effects, but their impact on estrogen signaling is still not fully understood. In the present study, we used the ER-CALUX bioassay to determine estrogenic/antiestrogenic activities of the prevalent PCB congeners and PCB mixtures isolated from human male serum. The samples were collected from residents of an area with an extensive environmental contamination from a former PCB production site as well as from a neighboring background region in eastern Slovakia. We found that the lower-chlorinated PCBs were estrogenic, whereas the prevalent higher-chlorinated PCB congeners 138, 153, 170, 180, 187, 194, 199, and 203, as well as major PCB metabolites, behaved as anti-estrogens. Coplanar PCBs had no direct effect on estrogen receptor (ER) activation in this in vitro model. In human male serum samples, high levels of PCBs were associated with a decreased ER-mediated activity and an increased dioxin-like activity, as determined by the DR-CALUX assay. 17β-Estradiol (E(2)) was responsible for a major part of estrogenic activity identified in total serum extracts. Significant negative correlations were found between dioxin-like activity, as well as mRNA levels of cytochromes P450 1A1 and 1B1 in lymphocytes, and total estrogenic activity. For sample fractions containing only persistent organic pollutants (POPs), the increased frequency of anti-estrogenic samples was associated with a higher sum of PCBs. This suggests that the prevalent non-dioxin-like PCBs were responsible for the weak antiestrogenic activity of some POPs fractions. Our data also suggest that it might be important to pay attention to direct effects of PCBs on steroid hormone levels in heavily exposed subjects

    Применение технологии набрызгбетонирования в Новоавстрийском Методе Туннелирования (NATM)

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    У статті проаналізовані суть і основні принципи Новоавстрійського Методу Тунелювання (NATM), що широко застосовується в зарубіжній практиці будівництва транспортних тунелів. Також розглянуто застосування технології торкретування, яка лежить в основі методу.Essence and basic principles of New Austrian Tunnelling Method (NATM), which widely used in foreign practice building of transport tunnels, is analysed in the article. Application of gunite technology, being the basis of method, is also considered